Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 3, day 1- final week, Bond workout

The Bond workout is a great one....Combined with last week's tightening of the diet, I definitely noticed results...until Thursday. As soon as I let alcohol back into my life, my dietary discipline diminished (alliteration). Now it is a holiday week and it actually feels like it's over....but it's not.
Tomorrow is the beginning of week 3, Bond w morning cardio and ab work. Beyond that- we're talking no more beer.

I was successful last week w  the diet. But I'll tell you, my abs were sore for days after Wed's workout w the hanging leg raises. I did sprints Thursday and Friday an arm workout from home. Traffic was ridiculous Friday. So it wasn't all alcohol. I also was successful cutting out bread again and haven't had bagels. Until today, I had no beer.

So that's what's up. Get back on. Get aggressive. Close out November like a champ. Celebrate the end of the workout w seeing the Bond film next Sat w Rich in Boston.

All you readers do the same. Get inspired and stay active. Stay Paleo!!


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