Thursday, January 18, 2018

Slow Carbin' It Up, 2018!

I write this from an airplane, thousands of miles in the air....Headed back to Boston for a few days with my family. I survived the holidays, the excesses of wine and alcohol, all kinds of cheeses and breads, cakes and pies. It's like an onslaught from Halloween until New Year's- and its sort of sad that the weeks after January 1 are the peak times for new gym memberships, new fitness endeavors. I do them all year round- or I try. Cannelle and I are starting Slow Carb again. It's coming up on the end of Week 2- and it hasn't been too bad. Thin kit's tough for Cannelle- as she loves pasta- and has limited cooking time with a 915 job and hour commute each way.

I've also been doing Ferris' KB workout- primarily 3 sets of swings on M and F, and a shoulder, chest, back, bi workout on Wednesday. I need to do the ice bath or cold shower component however. Also- I miss Paleo- and working out some. I feel like my body is eating my muscle, especially in my shoulders and arms, because it's such a light workout. There are also two abs exercises, the Cat Vomit exercise and an ab crunch on a ball. He says he achieved visible abs in 3 weeks with the combo of Slow Carb, Abs exercises, and ice baths. I feel somewhat more svelte- but somehow, the motivation is eluding me. I've been working more myself- up to 30 hours and beyond of delivery driving fro restaurants around LA. It's a lot of driving- and at peak times. One benefit of this exercise programis you can do it at home- which saves a trip to the gym. The kettelbell is 45 lbs or so, 53 kgs, and pretty heavy. It's essentially a hinge exercise- and has been bugging my lower back some on off days. Nevertheless, for the 15 min it takes, it seems effective. I've also thrown in some pull ups, push ups, and planks for good measure.

Found a 4 Hour Cookbook pdf on my computer- so I'm interested to cook some new dishes while in Boston.

Miss you all-