Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Had a crazy last few days...still managed to stick to the program.

Live cd recording Fri...hit phase 2, workout 4 before it- legs. The running has been tough.

Sat was off, though I swam in the pool casually. Been hot here. Sat night was Ojai and sitting in w my friend.

Sun I went to Vegas. Played a show there.

Mon- phase 2, week 2, day 1. Upper body. Running. Drove home from Vegas.

Today is Tues...feeling spent...but have phase two, week 2, workout 2 coming up.

It's about long term vision. Overcome the challenges now to achieve your goals. Major challenge is motivation and energy. So what do you do? Remember why you're doing this...why go to the gym? Bc you're getting into the best shape of your life- again- NOW!

So go do it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Phase 2, Day 2- Lower Body workout

Day 1 was cool. Upper body. Chest. Back. Shoulders. Arms. 30min steady cardio. Day 2 is lower body- squats, leg presses, etc. which is cool since lower body exercises work your core also. People seem to think you can spot reduce your stomach but it actually has to do with decreasing your overall body fat. The key is to keep muscle. When you build muscle, your metabolism is fired up...so that helps reduce fat overall. Day 2 is also interval training in a basic way. I've never done cardio on the same days as lifting- and never done four x a week in the gym. So should be cool. Gotta watch the diet though- and stay inspired. This is a two week phase before phase 3 and 4- which are more advanced. Phase 1 was too basic for me- using machines and steady state cardio. Seems like a decent program- tho maybe a little brief on each phase. Can always double them. The cardio should be challenging at this point.

Monday, October 19, 2015

PHASE 2, DAY 1- Platinum 360 workout

Vision. Determination. Focus. It begins today.

8 weeks from now I'm going to be in the best shape of my life.

4 two week regimens. A lot of cardio. Weights. Disciplined eating.

You can do it too.

We all have obstacles. But we can move past them. Physical is just one side of becoming your best you...Physical. Mental. Spiritual. Financial.

LL seems like a good role model. At beyond 40, he's still in great shape...and his stage name stands for Ladies Love Cool James.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Jason Statham, LL Cool J, and the Search for Fitness

What's up, Internet people?

Back atcha with another post...

I was looking through some old fitness books and magazines looking towards my next routine- and came across this picture of Statham boxing. Decided to frame it and put it in my kitchen for motivation. It was from a 2013 Men's Fitness. We're coming up on Halloween again- and realized it's been 7 years since I went as Statham in Death Race 2 to a party. Had a tinfoil mask and everything...My friend, Joe, went as a 300 gladiator. We both set that Halloween as a goal about 12 weeks out. It worked ( not that either of us were movie ready). If you, gentle reader, want to accomplish something, I humbly suggest the following:

1- don't procrastinate

2- write down that goal

3- get a journal to track your progress

4- get a partner (helps a lot)- or coach (if possible)

5- tap your motivation (why the eff are you doing this? Our goals were always health and longevity- with some beach body motivation thrown in)


7- Setting a regular time and place helps too

Statham is pretty much a force of nature...At something like 44, he's still a great role model. Been reading about LL Cool J's diet and exercise plan- another kick-ass celebrity. There's similarities in many of these programs and training philosophies. Both guys emphasize sprints and interval training in their time out of the gym; also low carb eating, and starchy carbs in
the morning mostly. Both have had long-time trainers too. (I would love that. But not gonna happen this minute.) And both guys emphasize intensity. A lot of working folks are just psyched to get to the gym in the morning and hit the treadmill, catch up on emails (no joke). Those folks are probably not reading this blog.

Here's LL in the gym- check out the ab work with a hammer...uhm difficult..

It takes intensity and focus- whether you decide to do 3x a week full body workouts and 2x a week intervals, or 5x a week split routine. (note- I've read a lot recently about irregular workouts, 2x per week, but heavy, barbell lifts. That could work for some- especially if you were part of a team, like pre-season football- but a regular schedule has always worked for me. I end up skipping otherwise)

Anyways, just some random thoughts. Be well out there..


Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2015

Holiday season approaches...It comes up fast- Halloween, Thanksgiving, XMas, New Year's...it always flies by...Seems like a lot of people gain weight around now. It gets colder. Fall is busy...

I was traveling in NY last week. Was a lot of fun- but ended up getting sick- possibly from some major temperature changes, stress, and lack of sleep. It's been good to be back in LA and get back to routine. In August, I fell out of going to the gym. I worked out from home mostly- and did a lot of bodyweight exercises. 

Currently I'm starting month 2 of a 4 month series. Each month has a different emphasis. Month 1 was really about getting back into the habit of working out regularly. Even that was hard to maintain w traveling- and then being sick. But it's been good this past week. And it's always nice to have a plan. 

Month 2 are a series of tri-sets- so hitting 5 muscle groups w 3 different exercises. 1 min rest. And emphasis on slow lifts... Month 1 had used drop sets- kind of cool. Always a burn. The 5 muscle groups for M, F are chest, back, shoulders, tri's, bi's. Wed is leg day. Tues is sprints and Thurs is cardio. Today I surfed...which I'm counting as cardio. 

But spent Rosh Hashannah w a buddy of mine who has been doing intermittent fasting (only eats 12pm-8pm) as well as interval training 3x a week. He looks thin- but stomach has definition. So started reading about IF at leangains.com and on nerdfitness.com. Leangains is supposed to be the leading light on IF but I found the site (a blog) disorganized- and never came across a clear cut protocol. The nerdfitness article I read was very straightforward and helpful. I also like the friendly tone- as opposed to leangains, which came off as condescending to me. 

So I'm trying out IF with the 12-8pm feeding window...also trying to cut way back on beef, for ethical reasons. Was impressed by a vegan friend's argument about that lion, Cecil, that was hunted by the dentist. Her stance was that cows are equally sentient. And it's true. Chicken and fish....I'm sure they feel fear- but they're much further from us. Cows are mammals. 

Behind that, I've been reading this book, Beyond Brawn- supposed to be a classic text. Recommended highly on leangains and on Amazon. It advocates big lifts and low reps- in a starting strength way a la Rippetoe. I like the approach- and how its performance based over looks. It's like pursuing weight lifting the sport. The purpose is to get strong- and stay strong for life. It has a
Lot of anecdotal advice on working out- and also on rest, the mental game, and more. For now, I want to see this program through- but that might be good in January. Found a
gym too in SoCal that specializes in it- but wary of their prices.

Beyond that- great surf session today. Surfed Venice and it looked flat- but it was close to sundown and the water was warm. Got some fun rides on the shortboard. 

Have a great week. Stay active..