Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Best Shape Ever

I was just reading an interview with Simon Waterson, the trainer for Daniel Craig. Nothing too amazing discussed. Cross fit style workouts based around script requirements. Plyo moves worked into heavier conpoubd lifts. High protein diet. No carbs after 2pm. A pre- production training period- during production- and post. Treating clients as athletes first and thinking of aesthetics second.

Just saw the new Bond film and have to say, the main things I noticed were Craig's shoulders and his gait. He looks lean and muscular but ready to pounce. He also looks like he could do some serious pull-ups, dips, sprinting, and fighting. The Men's Health workout plan is circuit based on MF, but bodybuilding based on TWR....Interesting. Wonder if it's just a mix of things. You read different accounts- that he worked out two hours a day after shooting, that he took supplements, etc.


Friday, November 27, 2015

Thoughts on 20 Years of Lifting

The day of my high school reunion...Been twenty years. Pretty amazing. I write this from my parent's house in Western Mass. My parents are not athletic. They go for walks and that's about it. My dad was a champion wrestler and for the past 50 years has been a yo yo dieter. His days of cutting weight influenced him greatly- and he's cut weight for various functions- Bar Mitzvahs and weddings, but overall, he's spent his adulthood overweight and w high blood presure. My mother has negative associations w exercise that she's carried for a lifetime. She was picked last in gym class. She gets winded easily. As a kid, they rarely came to soccer and baseball games- and growing up in my family.  arts were encouraged. We were naturals at moviemaking, cartooning, acting, painting, and music. I played basketball until 8th grade- as a center and a forward, but started guitar in 9th- following in my brother's footsteps. This decision more than any has affected my adult life. The kids I hung out with in middle school became the football players and jocks- and I identified myself as an artist. I ate in the art room at lunch, hung out in Boston, and grew to love jazz and the clubs and record stores of Boston and Cambridge. But by senior year I felt I'd missed out on the social life of my school- parties and girls, and I began lifting the summer after in prep for college. Vassar College was not anything like Wellesley High School. I think I came in looking for a do-over of high school, but quickly found it was completely different. Lifting and running became a mainstay for me through college- and afterwards. I never wanted to be out of shape. It's only recently that I've loosened up a bit. But traveling is tough- and late night pizza in NY and thanksgiving yesterday are challenging. Nevertheless- I was excited when a distant cousin asked me last night what I did to be so muscular and athletic looking. I was like surfing- and some lifting. Pull ups, bench, and squats along w sprinting is the real answer, as well as largely Paleo eating. I've been lucky- sand despite the hassle of getting to the gym- the rewards have been much greater than the effort expended. I am grateful for finding exercise as an outlet and a pursuit, and though I'm not in the ridiculous shape I would've liked for this reunion, I'm still feeling pretty good about the strides I've made athletically in the past 20 years. Major accomplishments include a mini triathlon in 2005, surfing Waimea in 2014, and being Paleo for 4 years.

Happy Thanksgiving-

Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 3, day 1- final week, Bond workout

The Bond workout is a great one....Combined with last week's tightening of the diet, I definitely noticed results...until Thursday. As soon as I let alcohol back into my life, my dietary discipline diminished (alliteration). Now it is a holiday week and it actually feels like it's over....but it's not.
Tomorrow is the beginning of week 3, Bond w morning cardio and ab work. Beyond that- we're talking no more beer.

I was successful last week w  the diet. But I'll tell you, my abs were sore for days after Wed's workout w the hanging leg raises. I did sprints Thursday and Friday an arm workout from home. Traffic was ridiculous Friday. So it wasn't all alcohol. I also was successful cutting out bread again and haven't had bagels. Until today, I had no beer.

So that's what's up. Get back on. Get aggressive. Close out November like a champ. Celebrate the end of the workout w seeing the Bond film next Sat w Rich in Boston.

All you readers do the same. Get inspired and stay active. Stay Paleo!!


Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 4 recap- Thurs 11/19

You guys- I was dead tired when I woke upA and could feel congestion in my throat and sinuses. Did not run early. Did not lift. I rested. I know-  what a wimp!! Nah- dudes, it's for the best. Pushing yourself is good. But you gotta listen to your bod and respect it. Better safe than sorry.

Ended up doing sprints tonight. And did well w diet today- tho had two mixed tequila drinks tonight. Feeling def a little borderline sick. Got a stuffy nose and throat is weird-- but I gotta say- I think this MH Bond program is working well. In getting back into shape. In about 2 weeks- I'll be in good shape again. Just did clean and press for the first time in a long time on Wed. Tough- but great exercise.

Tomorrow is the power circuit again. Also- successfully completed M- Fri no drinking challenge. Def felt a difference.

All the best-

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week 2, Day 3, son

Yo yo yo....Back in the house..your man Rosenn on the streets of LA, getting in shape from week to week, and day to day...

Just listened to Tribe Called Quest, Love Movement, while doing some morning cardio. 8 am out the do', hitting my flow, after a cup of joe, back at the crib at 845, feeling my juice, feeling my yeah aw yeah....

Getting the morning cardio done for the next 10 days, a la Owen McKibbin 2 week tweak...One of the best workout books ever is his Cover Model workout book from Rodale publishers, Men's Health. Owen was their lead cover model and used to play volleyball for USC, possibly soccer too. His methods are great- and usually incorporate sprints. He's got a lot to say in the book too about water, finding your motivation, meal prep, lifting techniques, and his own moving story about his father who passed away early.

Later today, I'll bust out the Power circuit from the bond workout.

Clean and press
Hanging leg raise
Step ups
Incline push up

But for now its ab work, followed by a scrumptious egg white breakfast. Is it possible to get in shape in 21 days....Yeah it is. But you gotta want it. What's your motivation? Find it. Do it. Be it.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week 2- Day 2- Tuesday- Arms/Shoulders

Was in Santa Cruz and SF over the wkd. A lot of driving....Stayed true to the diet though. Had tequila sodas on Sat night and a couple of light beers on Sunday night- so not terrible. Was majorly fatigued from the drive today. Nevertheless- I'm committed to seeing this program through. So this is what's up:

Work out from home means- ARM/SHOULDERS

1- Bicep curls- seated-10 reps x 4 sets, 1 min rest

2- Lateral Raise- seated- 10 reps x 4 sets, 1 min rest

3-Dips- Two barstools- 10 reps x bodyweight x 4 sets, 1 min rest

4- Shoulder press, seated-  10 reps x 4 sets, 1 min rest

5- Owen crunches- 2 sets x 25 reps

6- Rev roll ups- 2 sets x 25 reps (tough)

7- Bicycles- 2 sets x 10-20 (not good)

8- Push-ups- 4 sets x 25 reps

It's all about getting back on that horse. Fall off. Get back up. Fall off. Get back up. Missed a day. Get back on. Fucked up your diet. Correct it today. Keep a journal. Recognize patterns. Keep going!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 5- Friday- power circuit

So how's today going to go down?

3 setsx10reps

Clean and press
Hanging leg raise
Pull ups
Decline push up
Step ups

Power. Interesting idea- training for power. There's actually a scientific meaning for this word as it relates to fitness, different from
Strength. Power is the ability to implement strength. And also interesting that the circuit is mostly body weight exercises. Being able to pull yourself up or pull yourself out or lift a weight over your head are important skills in life. If you're any kind of athlete, endurance matters too. My feeling is that we are all athletes. Our bodies carry us through life and enable us to meet challenges. Additionally, our minds and are bodies are entwined. Food and mood are intertwined. I always feel better coming out of the gym. Endorphins.

Ending week 1, I think it's been a successful program. I have a lot of stressful things in my life and flakey people right now. Trying or organize creative projects in LA and see them through with people of differing backgrounds and levels of commitment is difficult and frustrating. And having your friends and family drop off since they're too busy with raising kids and having families is tough too. But I like the idea of Strength training and training for power too.

But of all the maxims, the most important is Show up! When you show up consistently over time, anything is possible. Focus. Intensity. Perseverance. Believe in You.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 4- Arms and Shoulder

Thursday- Nov 12, 2015

Excited for today's workout...I actually love working arms and shoulders. Legs is probably my least favorite day. But Arms is a lot of fun. You feel strong and powerful...Think that was initially why I started lifting. So it's nice to get back to that feeling of strength. That's one reason I try not to work to failure. I like to feel like I still have gas in the tank.

Coming up-
4 Exercises- 4 sets- 10 reps
Incline Bicep Curls
Tricep Dips
Lateral Raises
Shoulder Press

I'm also going to do sprints today- as my cardio conditioning blows these days.

I have to say- have not been successful at not drinking during the week. Mon- Ojai. Tues- Blue Whale Wed- Seven Grand... My social life revolves around music and drinking. I'm not drinking beer much- but still, most of the time, if you drink at night, you will eat at night. Beyond that, the money expenditure is not good. I've begun to see more and more that money is actually an integral part of health. Getting organic foods, paying for a gym membership, having gas to get to the gym, etc- it all costs money.

Beyond that- I've been pleased with my return to Paleo eating. Just made scrambled eggs for breakfast. The eggs were pricey, $6 for 12 at the local Farmer's Market. Veggie fed, Free range. Local farm. Cooked in extra virgin olive oil w spinach and tapatio. Having cheapo MX espresso too, as I write this. What you put in your body, determines what you get out. Also- sleep, and relaxation are important. Believe it or not, my thinking is the more you can align yourself with the rhythms of the earth, the healthier you will be. If you go to sleep when it's dark and wake up when it's light- that's pretty much what you're body is dialed in to do. If you work nights, and hang out under flurescent lights- no bueno.

I'm also getting down with the fish oil and some other supplements. Strive to get healthy and you will get wealthy.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 3- Legs + On Eating Meat

Ran into my old workout bud, Joe B, last night...He was playing keys at the Blue Whale and sounded amazing. We caught up over gluten-free muffins and (d'oh) I was having a Sapporo can ($4). Unfortunate.... We talked for a minute about our fitness regimes, but didn't get fully into it, as it was between sets. Both of us have gained some pounds- tho' still within range of being fit.

My Daniel Craig workout is really awesome.. Been stoked to be getting back to the gym daily and pushing myself back into lifting. Joe would be proud of some of the lifts- bench, pull-ups, dead-lift, squat, and maybe more judgmental of some of the more fine-tuning based ones- like Leg ext. or anything bicep-curl oriented. Overall, it's been a great protocol so far, and a nice separation of body parts.

Today's leg workout- 4 sets x 10 reps
Leg ext
(Lat Pull Down)

I tried not to overdo it...My lower back's always a little tweaky so kept it light on most exercises, esp Deadlift- my all-time favorite exercise for back injury. I actually only did 2 sets, but followed with 2 sets of Lat pulldown, since was feeling that in my back...

Beyond that- just made a killer beef broth with rib bones I cooked, and some t bone steak remnants. Getting back into winter beast mode- and really want to get back in shape. There is a part of me, for sure, that has some qualms about eating red meat. I was a vegetarian for 6 months- and I'm sympathetic to vegans. My sister and her family are vegan...But overall, I come back to a selfish point of view, that essentially, my system runs better on meat. I feel better and stronger with meat- and the evolutionary perspective is undeniable. Nevertheless, it's good to be cognizant of where you're food is coming from.

Cheers oh ye silent ones...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 2- Tuesday- Chest/Back

Getting back to it, folks...for real.

Hit chest and back hard today. Met the most enthusiastic desk attendant today. Guy was like, "what you working today?". I go, glumly, "Chest and Back." He's like- "NICE!!" It was cool. I was like- "oh hell yeah- Chest and back!!"

Went in there and killed it-
1- Incline Bench press- 4 sets x 10 reps
2- Pull up- 4 sets x 10 reps (had some assistance w the machine)
3- DB Flies
4- Decline push up- 4 sets x 10 reps.

Chest is feeling it....Then hit the sauna. Came home. Whey protein shake.

Grass fed beef chili a little later. Feeling good!

Up tomorrow- LEGS...

Remember- 80% of your effort has to be diet. Exercise just stokes the metabolism. But it's what you put in that determines what you get out. ( I just made that up)

And reprint from last time-

1- Have a regular time and place
2- Keep a journal and write down your goals
3- Have a partner if possible
4- Drink water
5- Forget bread and beer; also sugar of all kinds (reduce fruit intake)
6- Get rest
7- Enjoy movement and enjoy the process
8- Show up
9- Motivational music
10- Be where you are at. Be competitive- but                                                                                               ultimately, recognize it's about personal best.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Get James Bond Fit- in 3 weeks

So I've decided to move on from the LL Cool J workout book. I did Phase 1 and Phase 2...but at phase 3, demanding 6x a week, with an unusual split routine, I just didn't find the motivation. Sorta fell off the wagon last week, drinking beer, eating burritos, chips, bagels, and pastries. I did learn some good things from the book though. They recommended cardio after lifting and alternated betwen steady state and high intensity intervals. Additionally, there are some nice tidbits about what inspires LL, and the first chapter about honing the mind to get ready to train is great. Maybe I'll get back to it at a later date with a partner.

For now- I've gone back to the old Daniel Craig routine from MH. I did this routine way back in 2003 when Casino Royale came out. MH has done a good job of recycling the exact same material. I'm sure Craig, almost 50, has changed up his routine in 10 years- but alright. This is what's published.

I did the Monday workout today- though swapped out bench press for power clean. It was nice to get back to some bigger movements- like bench and pull-ups ( I did overhand grip). There were also some regulars in the gym in great shape- so that's inspiring. If I curb my drinking habits and get back to eating clean, I bet I can be in decent shape by the end of the month.

 Some important aspects that people forget are:
1- Have a regular time and place
2- Keep a journal and write down your goals
3- Have a partner if possible
4- Drink water
5- Forget bread and beer; also sugar of all kinds (reduce fruit intake)
6- Get rest
7- Enjoy movement and enjoy the process
8- Show up
9- Motivational music
10- Be where you are at. Be competitive- but                                                                                               ultimately, recognize it's about personal best.

Monday's Workout
Power Circuit, Reps: 10 of each exercise, Sets: 3
Clean and Press, Weighted Knee Raise, Weighted Stepups, Pullup, Incline Pushup, Triceps Dips

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Phase 3- November

Good morning, blogheads.

So what's new in know- this and that.

Surfed Trestles yesterday. Was accompanied by about 50 amazing OC  high school surf kids...I go- is it vacation week? This kid in the water said they were all part of a surf team. How cool is that? They had a coach on the beach. I moved down the beach to Middles. They were good though- and the waves were dope. I had my new, used 6'8. It was ok...sorta want to just get a Wavestorm 9'0 from Costco. A little tired of trying to shortboard. Paddle forever just to get out there.

Phase 3 refers to the LL Cool J Platinum 360's now moved from a split routine to a 3 day rotation...Mon is chest, tris, Tues- Legs, Wed- back...with steady state and interval training thrown in. I think it's a logical plan- but kinda crazy with rest day being Thurs. You begin the cycle again on Fri.

It's a plan. Couldn't get a partner to join me. What a shocker. I'll post the workout later. It's def volume and it's def bodybuilding.

Have a great Tuesday!