Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 3- Legs + On Eating Meat

Ran into my old workout bud, Joe B, last night...He was playing keys at the Blue Whale and sounded amazing. We caught up over gluten-free muffins and (d'oh) I was having a Sapporo can ($4). Unfortunate.... We talked for a minute about our fitness regimes, but didn't get fully into it, as it was between sets. Both of us have gained some pounds- tho' still within range of being fit.

My Daniel Craig workout is really awesome.. Been stoked to be getting back to the gym daily and pushing myself back into lifting. Joe would be proud of some of the lifts- bench, pull-ups, dead-lift, squat, and maybe more judgmental of some of the more fine-tuning based ones- like Leg ext. or anything bicep-curl oriented. Overall, it's been a great protocol so far, and a nice separation of body parts.

Today's leg workout- 4 sets x 10 reps
Leg ext
(Lat Pull Down)

I tried not to overdo it...My lower back's always a little tweaky so kept it light on most exercises, esp Deadlift- my all-time favorite exercise for back injury. I actually only did 2 sets, but followed with 2 sets of Lat pulldown, since was feeling that in my back...

Beyond that- just made a killer beef broth with rib bones I cooked, and some t bone steak remnants. Getting back into winter beast mode- and really want to get back in shape. There is a part of me, for sure, that has some qualms about eating red meat. I was a vegetarian for 6 months- and I'm sympathetic to vegans. My sister and her family are vegan...But overall, I come back to a selfish point of view, that essentially, my system runs better on meat. I feel better and stronger with meat- and the evolutionary perspective is undeniable. Nevertheless, it's good to be cognizant of where you're food is coming from.

Cheers oh ye silent ones...

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