Sunday, October 11, 2015

Jason Statham, LL Cool J, and the Search for Fitness

What's up, Internet people?

Back atcha with another post...

I was looking through some old fitness books and magazines looking towards my next routine- and came across this picture of Statham boxing. Decided to frame it and put it in my kitchen for motivation. It was from a 2013 Men's Fitness. We're coming up on Halloween again- and realized it's been 7 years since I went as Statham in Death Race 2 to a party. Had a tinfoil mask and everything...My friend, Joe, went as a 300 gladiator. We both set that Halloween as a goal about 12 weeks out. It worked ( not that either of us were movie ready). If you, gentle reader, want to accomplish something, I humbly suggest the following:

1- don't procrastinate

2- write down that goal

3- get a journal to track your progress

4- get a partner (helps a lot)- or coach (if possible)

5- tap your motivation (why the eff are you doing this? Our goals were always health and longevity- with some beach body motivation thrown in)


7- Setting a regular time and place helps too

Statham is pretty much a force of nature...At something like 44, he's still a great role model. Been reading about LL Cool J's diet and exercise plan- another kick-ass celebrity. There's similarities in many of these programs and training philosophies. Both guys emphasize sprints and interval training in their time out of the gym; also low carb eating, and starchy carbs in
the morning mostly. Both have had long-time trainers too. (I would love that. But not gonna happen this minute.) And both guys emphasize intensity. A lot of working folks are just psyched to get to the gym in the morning and hit the treadmill, catch up on emails (no joke). Those folks are probably not reading this blog.

Here's LL in the gym- check out the ab work with a hammer...uhm difficult..

It takes intensity and focus- whether you decide to do 3x a week full body workouts and 2x a week intervals, or 5x a week split routine. (note- I've read a lot recently about irregular workouts, 2x per week, but heavy, barbell lifts. That could work for some- especially if you were part of a team, like pre-season football- but a regular schedule has always worked for me. I end up skipping otherwise)

Anyways, just some random thoughts. Be well out there..


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