Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Monday Before New Year's

The holidays!! Relentless....

It's always something though...

Back at the gym today...hit bench hard. 205 in sets of 4. 135 too x 15 reps.
Chin ups. Dips. Goblet squat. Sit ups.

It actually is on. 2016 will be a good year fitness-wise. Gotten stronger during my time away from pakeo.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


1:15am and I hear the sirens blasting outside my window as I write this. Tearing down the 10, pulling over drinkers, parties, revelers. Could be the worst Xmas for them ever....You decide your reality though. I stayed in tonight. Watched a movie. Relaxed. Xmas...It's a cool holiday if you do it right; emphasize time w family and friends, a break before the last week of the year. Same with New Year's. Why can't it just be a chill, festive time? A time to recharge?

I got LL Cool J's Platinum workout book out of the library again. It's from 2006, by Rodale. LL is pretty amazing- and in amazing shape. My old partner, Joe, never went in for his workout book. By the time I started working out with him, he was off Men's Health workouts and into strength training for longevity. Cosgrove provided some templates we worked through- but neither of us got super ripped. I think everyone who works out, at some level, would like to look like a model. That's how I discovered Owen McKibbin's book- The Cover Model workout- from Rodale, the publisher for Men's Health. Joe always thought Owen was a hack and that bodybuilders were a joke, but Owen was on the cover of MH about 50 times in his career. The only time I ever got cut at all was doing Owen's workout book followed by his product, the Rack. June 2013. I liked Owen's emphasis on high reps over super-heavy weights. I've always had back and shoulder issues.

I like LL's approach though- seems motivational and to have a real attitude adjustment component. I'd need a partner who was committed to make it happen. His workouts usually end up 5-6x/week. But just reading his intro- it's like...well, how good to you want to be? Which is more important- drinking and chips- or rest and health? If you think in terms of 6mos goals and one year goals; you can really make some major improvements to your physique and your life. I'm 18 mos from being 40- crazy right? Imagine I hit 40 in the best shape of my life- an inspiration to friends and family? That's what you gotta think about...what kind of future do you want?

All the best- be safe-

Friday, December 25, 2015

Xmas Eve

How'd you do out there? Last post was Monday...dared you to lay off alcohol, to walk 20min a day, and to be positive. Not huge goals...

I did alright...but haha, no alcohol this week, not gonna happen- at least my current lifestyle. But had a great week- got a lot done, and sometimes it's good to let loose re: diet. You gotta live a little. And if you swing wide like everyone else, well, guess what- you have 51 weeks to change your course before next Xmas.

It is worth thinking about briefly what you ate, it's lure, and how you felt afterwards. Basically- beer continues to be a lure. It's cheap, less alcohol content than liquor, and easy, cold, and refreshing. But after, the next day- super bloated and gross feeling. You really notice them when you haven't been drinking it.

Another lure is nachos...chips w melted cheese and protein isn't the worst- but it's not great either. Chips in general have crept into my diet in a big way. Not cool overall. You feel ill later.

Various proteins in bread...like a breakfast sandwich at Starbucks or a meatball sub. This happens a lot the next day after a late night.

Bagels. Obviously not cool.

Cheese- specifically cottage cheese and cream cheese too. Not cool but it's become a staple.

Anyway- super fun Xmas in Ojai...but too many carbs.
Be safe out there ;)

Side note- I wonder sometimes if binge carb eating is actually good for you. I notice that if I have a bunch of breads and sugars, I'll feel crappy for a while, but after getting it out of my system, will feel better and more energized- as well as stronger. I fed crave them in the mornings and when I've also poorly.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Monday Before Christmas

'Twas the Monday before Christmas and all through the house- not a creature was dieting, not even a mouse....Damn right. No one is on their game right now. Holiday parties. Airport lines. Traffic. People with Star Wars fever munching on candy lightsaber...Here's the thing, it's your passion that trumps it all...You have to get obsessed and stay obsessed,  and find your passion for fitness.

Truthfully, it's so awesome to be able to move well, to have energy, and feel good. Even that soreness you get after lifting is nice... Recently, I've had a messed up ankle. I rolled it on some stairs stupidly, wearing flip flops. It hurt massively and turned blue but I still walked on it and travelled to NY and Boston over Thanksgiving. Reinjured it. There was a pop :/ So now I'm actually icing it and wearing a brace and taking Advil...But the point is, if you can move, you're so lucky. To me, exercise and diet facilitate life. It's been a tough year overall- a lot of changes and challenges, but some real accomplishments too. And 2016 should bring more opportunities to shine and kick ass.

Have a great holiday week!

Friday, December 18, 2015


So- picture this....

It's 5pm and you're due for your Friday workout....but outside your doorstep in Palms is a wall of traffic- a line of cars so thick, so dense, you'll be sitting in your car for thirty minutes before you move 5 feet.

Imagine you fight traffic, listening to NWA the whole way, avoiding listening to NPR and the hum drum voice of Warren Only (unsure on spelling). You cross traffic on Pico, get your parking ticket, park the car, go down two flights, type in your phone number, greet the greeter, go to the locker room- all the lockers are taken and you forgot your lock.. You go to the floor and there's a self-lock locker left. You grab it, put your stuff in... hit the weight benches. They're all taken. You stretch...aka Friday at the gym sucks...

So what is the alternative, Gabe, you ask??? HOME WORKOUT!

Get psyched, gentle reader....It's Friday. Forget traffic. Go to your dvd player (your what??!!) and insert any movie you want (preferably something dumb- action is good- or lame comedy). Some favorites include Mark Harmon's Summer School, Ghostbusters, or most stuff with Jason Statham (Bank Job is good). But, Gabe- you say- I don't have heavy weights in my home....What shall I use??? Well, gentle reader, go get your 20 lb dumbbell because I got a circuit for you! Drop fat. Get excited. Stay stoked! Here goes...(But Gabe, I have a busted ankle?! Just do it, gentle reader). Rest 2-3min between circuits.

Here's today's routine:
1- Goblet Squat- 10x
2- 1 Arm Snatch- 10x
3- Dumbbell Row- 10x each arm
4- Arnold Press- 10x
5- Single- Leg Straight- Leg Deadlift- 10x each   

And here's today's movie rec- Tapeheads w/ John Cusack and Tim Robbins (who has an actor's studio in Culver btw). Pop the dvd in... and let's get jazzercising!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Month 2- DC workout, MH

Feeling spent after traveling back East for Thanksgiving. Flew into NY, had a couple late nights there, then drove to Western Mass for Turkey day- caught up with a bunch of relatives there, then back to Dover, and to Boston for my reunion (was very fun!), and then another brunch (other relatives), and a bday dinner with my sister. I know, you're saying- Gabe- How do you do it?? I do what I can, gentle reader.

On the fitness side (the subject of this blog)- definitely loosened up the diet in NY- a few slices of pizza- was pretty good on no beer... Had a bagel at a brunch in Mass...So overall was pretty good. Got to the gym last Wed in NY, and skipped Fri in Mass. Monday 11/30 was a travel day, so missed it there too. But got back on Tues and did Chest and Back and Wed did a bodyweight version of Legs at home.

What's the takeaway?
1- Doing something is always better than doing nothing...

2- If you fall off, accept it, and get back on....

3- There's a rebound effect- if you go too hard, you may fall off after the goal's been met.

Regarding #3 above, I've seen this a bunch of times. If I deny myself too much, I will fall off harder...It's just something to be aware of.

Interviewed my friend, Angela, yesterday who's interested in training with me. Asked her a few questions..

1- What do you want to accomplish in how much time?
2- How important to you is it? Why do you want to do it?
3- What's your diet like? What did you have for bkst, lunch, and dinner yesterday?
4-How much beer do you drink? Alcohol?
5- Sports background?

I said let's get started with walking daily- 20 min walk. And ditch beer, sugar, reduce carbs after 2 pm. Next week we'll add bodyweight lifts- like squats, push up, and back. That's called an Intro phase. The truth is it's about diet more than exercise- though muscles do fuel metabolism. They're also expensive in terms of protein content.

So today is Thursday, Dec 3, 2015- and there's 3 weeks until Xmas. Most people's diets fall apart totally in this period. Holiday parties, colder weather, and social pressure have people eating more sugary foods- pies, cakes, pastries. But if you're able to tighten up right now and then loosen a tiny bit, that's what's up. Recommit to the DC program. 8 weeks is a good amount of time. Going strong with this until the end of the year. I have a sprained ankle still, so that's a challenge. But when you're injured, that's the time to focus on what you are able to do.

Keep going out there...Stay strong. Find your motivation. And most of all- show up.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Best Shape Ever

I was just reading an interview with Simon Waterson, the trainer for Daniel Craig. Nothing too amazing discussed. Cross fit style workouts based around script requirements. Plyo moves worked into heavier conpoubd lifts. High protein diet. No carbs after 2pm. A pre- production training period- during production- and post. Treating clients as athletes first and thinking of aesthetics second.

Just saw the new Bond film and have to say, the main things I noticed were Craig's shoulders and his gait. He looks lean and muscular but ready to pounce. He also looks like he could do some serious pull-ups, dips, sprinting, and fighting. The Men's Health workout plan is circuit based on MF, but bodybuilding based on TWR....Interesting. Wonder if it's just a mix of things. You read different accounts- that he worked out two hours a day after shooting, that he took supplements, etc.


Friday, November 27, 2015

Thoughts on 20 Years of Lifting

The day of my high school reunion...Been twenty years. Pretty amazing. I write this from my parent's house in Western Mass. My parents are not athletic. They go for walks and that's about it. My dad was a champion wrestler and for the past 50 years has been a yo yo dieter. His days of cutting weight influenced him greatly- and he's cut weight for various functions- Bar Mitzvahs and weddings, but overall, he's spent his adulthood overweight and w high blood presure. My mother has negative associations w exercise that she's carried for a lifetime. She was picked last in gym class. She gets winded easily. As a kid, they rarely came to soccer and baseball games- and growing up in my family.  arts were encouraged. We were naturals at moviemaking, cartooning, acting, painting, and music. I played basketball until 8th grade- as a center and a forward, but started guitar in 9th- following in my brother's footsteps. This decision more than any has affected my adult life. The kids I hung out with in middle school became the football players and jocks- and I identified myself as an artist. I ate in the art room at lunch, hung out in Boston, and grew to love jazz and the clubs and record stores of Boston and Cambridge. But by senior year I felt I'd missed out on the social life of my school- parties and girls, and I began lifting the summer after in prep for college. Vassar College was not anything like Wellesley High School. I think I came in looking for a do-over of high school, but quickly found it was completely different. Lifting and running became a mainstay for me through college- and afterwards. I never wanted to be out of shape. It's only recently that I've loosened up a bit. But traveling is tough- and late night pizza in NY and thanksgiving yesterday are challenging. Nevertheless- I was excited when a distant cousin asked me last night what I did to be so muscular and athletic looking. I was like surfing- and some lifting. Pull ups, bench, and squats along w sprinting is the real answer, as well as largely Paleo eating. I've been lucky- sand despite the hassle of getting to the gym- the rewards have been much greater than the effort expended. I am grateful for finding exercise as an outlet and a pursuit, and though I'm not in the ridiculous shape I would've liked for this reunion, I'm still feeling pretty good about the strides I've made athletically in the past 20 years. Major accomplishments include a mini triathlon in 2005, surfing Waimea in 2014, and being Paleo for 4 years.

Happy Thanksgiving-

Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 3, day 1- final week, Bond workout

The Bond workout is a great one....Combined with last week's tightening of the diet, I definitely noticed results...until Thursday. As soon as I let alcohol back into my life, my dietary discipline diminished (alliteration). Now it is a holiday week and it actually feels like it's over....but it's not.
Tomorrow is the beginning of week 3, Bond w morning cardio and ab work. Beyond that- we're talking no more beer.

I was successful last week w  the diet. But I'll tell you, my abs were sore for days after Wed's workout w the hanging leg raises. I did sprints Thursday and Friday an arm workout from home. Traffic was ridiculous Friday. So it wasn't all alcohol. I also was successful cutting out bread again and haven't had bagels. Until today, I had no beer.

So that's what's up. Get back on. Get aggressive. Close out November like a champ. Celebrate the end of the workout w seeing the Bond film next Sat w Rich in Boston.

All you readers do the same. Get inspired and stay active. Stay Paleo!!


Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 4 recap- Thurs 11/19

You guys- I was dead tired when I woke upA and could feel congestion in my throat and sinuses. Did not run early. Did not lift. I rested. I know-  what a wimp!! Nah- dudes, it's for the best. Pushing yourself is good. But you gotta listen to your bod and respect it. Better safe than sorry.

Ended up doing sprints tonight. And did well w diet today- tho had two mixed tequila drinks tonight. Feeling def a little borderline sick. Got a stuffy nose and throat is weird-- but I gotta say- I think this MH Bond program is working well. In getting back into shape. In about 2 weeks- I'll be in good shape again. Just did clean and press for the first time in a long time on Wed. Tough- but great exercise.

Tomorrow is the power circuit again. Also- successfully completed M- Fri no drinking challenge. Def felt a difference.

All the best-

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week 2, Day 3, son

Yo yo yo....Back in the house..your man Rosenn on the streets of LA, getting in shape from week to week, and day to day...

Just listened to Tribe Called Quest, Love Movement, while doing some morning cardio. 8 am out the do', hitting my flow, after a cup of joe, back at the crib at 845, feeling my juice, feeling my vibe...aw yeah aw yeah....

Getting the morning cardio done for the next 10 days, a la Owen McKibbin 2 week tweak...One of the best workout books ever is his Cover Model workout book from Rodale publishers, Men's Health. Owen was their lead cover model and used to play volleyball for USC, possibly soccer too. His methods are great- and usually incorporate sprints. He's got a lot to say in the book too about water, finding your motivation, meal prep, lifting techniques, and his own moving story about his father who passed away early.

Later today, I'll bust out the Power circuit from the bond workout.

Clean and press
Hanging leg raise
Step ups
Incline push up

But for now its ab work, followed by a scrumptious egg white breakfast. Is it possible to get in shape in 21 days....Yeah it is. But you gotta want it. What's your motivation? Find it. Do it. Be it.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week 2- Day 2- Tuesday- Arms/Shoulders

Was in Santa Cruz and SF over the wkd. A lot of driving....Stayed true to the diet though. Had tequila sodas on Sat night and a couple of light beers on Sunday night- so not terrible. Was majorly fatigued from the drive today. Nevertheless- I'm committed to seeing this program through. So this is what's up:

Work out from home means- ARM/SHOULDERS

1- Bicep curls- seated-10 reps x 4 sets, 1 min rest

2- Lateral Raise- seated- 10 reps x 4 sets, 1 min rest

3-Dips- Two barstools- 10 reps x bodyweight x 4 sets, 1 min rest

4- Shoulder press, seated-  10 reps x 4 sets, 1 min rest

5- Owen crunches- 2 sets x 25 reps

6- Rev roll ups- 2 sets x 25 reps (tough)

7- Bicycles- 2 sets x 10-20 (not good)

8- Push-ups- 4 sets x 25 reps

It's all about getting back on that horse. Fall off. Get back up. Fall off. Get back up. Missed a day. Get back on. Fucked up your diet. Correct it today. Keep a journal. Recognize patterns. Keep going!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 5- Friday- power circuit

So how's today going to go down?

3 setsx10reps

Clean and press
Hanging leg raise
Pull ups
Decline push up
Step ups

Power. Interesting idea- training for power. There's actually a scientific meaning for this word as it relates to fitness, different from
Strength. Power is the ability to implement strength. And also interesting that the circuit is mostly body weight exercises. Being able to pull yourself up or pull yourself out or lift a weight over your head are important skills in life. If you're any kind of athlete, endurance matters too. My feeling is that we are all athletes. Our bodies carry us through life and enable us to meet challenges. Additionally, our minds and are bodies are entwined. Food and mood are intertwined. I always feel better coming out of the gym. Endorphins.

Ending week 1, I think it's been a successful program. I have a lot of stressful things in my life and flakey people right now. Trying or organize creative projects in LA and see them through with people of differing backgrounds and levels of commitment is difficult and frustrating. And having your friends and family drop off since they're too busy with raising kids and having families is tough too. But I like the idea of Strength training and training for power too.

But of all the maxims, the most important is Show up! When you show up consistently over time, anything is possible. Focus. Intensity. Perseverance. Believe in You.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 4- Arms and Shoulder

Thursday- Nov 12, 2015

Excited for today's workout...I actually love working arms and shoulders. Legs is probably my least favorite day. But Arms is a lot of fun. You feel strong and powerful...Think that was initially why I started lifting. So it's nice to get back to that feeling of strength. That's one reason I try not to work to failure. I like to feel like I still have gas in the tank.

Coming up-
4 Exercises- 4 sets- 10 reps
Incline Bicep Curls
Tricep Dips
Lateral Raises
Shoulder Press

I'm also going to do sprints today- as my cardio conditioning blows these days.

I have to say- have not been successful at not drinking during the week. Mon- Ojai. Tues- Blue Whale Wed- Seven Grand... My social life revolves around music and drinking. I'm not drinking beer much- but still, most of the time, if you drink at night, you will eat at night. Beyond that, the money expenditure is not good. I've begun to see more and more that money is actually an integral part of health. Getting organic foods, paying for a gym membership, having gas to get to the gym, etc- it all costs money.

Beyond that- I've been pleased with my return to Paleo eating. Just made scrambled eggs for breakfast. The eggs were pricey, $6 for 12 at the local Farmer's Market. Veggie fed, Free range. Local farm. Cooked in extra virgin olive oil w spinach and tapatio. Having cheapo MX espresso too, as I write this. What you put in your body, determines what you get out. Also- sleep, and relaxation are important. Believe it or not, my thinking is the more you can align yourself with the rhythms of the earth, the healthier you will be. If you go to sleep when it's dark and wake up when it's light- that's pretty much what you're body is dialed in to do. If you work nights, and hang out under flurescent lights- no bueno.

I'm also getting down with the fish oil and some other supplements. Strive to get healthy and you will get wealthy.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 3- Legs + On Eating Meat

Ran into my old workout bud, Joe B, last night...He was playing keys at the Blue Whale and sounded amazing. We caught up over gluten-free muffins and (d'oh) I was having a Sapporo can ($4). Unfortunate.... We talked for a minute about our fitness regimes, but didn't get fully into it, as it was between sets. Both of us have gained some pounds- tho' still within range of being fit.

My Daniel Craig workout is really awesome.. Been stoked to be getting back to the gym daily and pushing myself back into lifting. Joe would be proud of some of the lifts- bench, pull-ups, dead-lift, squat, and maybe more judgmental of some of the more fine-tuning based ones- like Leg ext. or anything bicep-curl oriented. Overall, it's been a great protocol so far, and a nice separation of body parts.

Today's leg workout- 4 sets x 10 reps
Leg ext
(Lat Pull Down)

I tried not to overdo it...My lower back's always a little tweaky so kept it light on most exercises, esp Deadlift- my all-time favorite exercise for back injury. I actually only did 2 sets, but followed with 2 sets of Lat pulldown, since was feeling that in my back...

Beyond that- just made a killer beef broth with rib bones I cooked, and some t bone steak remnants. Getting back into winter beast mode- and really want to get back in shape. There is a part of me, for sure, that has some qualms about eating red meat. I was a vegetarian for 6 months- and I'm sympathetic to vegans. My sister and her family are vegan...But overall, I come back to a selfish point of view, that essentially, my system runs better on meat. I feel better and stronger with meat- and the evolutionary perspective is undeniable. Nevertheless, it's good to be cognizant of where you're food is coming from.

Cheers oh ye silent ones...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 2- Tuesday- Chest/Back

Getting back to it, folks...for real.

Hit chest and back hard today. Met the most enthusiastic desk attendant today. Guy was like, "what you working today?". I go, glumly, "Chest and Back." He's like- "NICE!!" It was cool. I was like- "oh hell yeah- Chest and back!!"

Went in there and killed it-
1- Incline Bench press- 4 sets x 10 reps
2- Pull up- 4 sets x 10 reps (had some assistance w the machine)
3- DB Flies
4- Decline push up- 4 sets x 10 reps.

Chest is feeling it....Then hit the sauna. Came home. Whey protein shake.

Grass fed beef chili a little later. Feeling good!

Up tomorrow- LEGS...

Remember- 80% of your effort has to be diet. Exercise just stokes the metabolism. But it's what you put in that determines what you get out. ( I just made that up)

And reprint from last time-

1- Have a regular time and place
2- Keep a journal and write down your goals
3- Have a partner if possible
4- Drink water
5- Forget bread and beer; also sugar of all kinds (reduce fruit intake)
6- Get rest
7- Enjoy movement and enjoy the process
8- Show up
9- Motivational music
10- Be where you are at. Be competitive- but                                                                                               ultimately, recognize it's about personal best.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Get James Bond Fit- in 3 weeks

So I've decided to move on from the LL Cool J workout book. I did Phase 1 and Phase 2...but at phase 3, demanding 6x a week, with an unusual split routine, I just didn't find the motivation. Sorta fell off the wagon last week, drinking beer, eating burritos, chips, bagels, and pastries. I did learn some good things from the book though. They recommended cardio after lifting and alternated betwen steady state and high intensity intervals. Additionally, there are some nice tidbits about what inspires LL, and the first chapter about honing the mind to get ready to train is great. Maybe I'll get back to it at a later date with a partner.

For now- I've gone back to the old Daniel Craig routine from MH. I did this routine way back in 2003 when Casino Royale came out. MH has done a good job of recycling the exact same material. I'm sure Craig, almost 50, has changed up his routine in 10 years- but alright. This is what's published.


I did the Monday workout today- though swapped out bench press for power clean. It was nice to get back to some bigger movements- like bench and pull-ups ( I did overhand grip). There were also some regulars in the gym in great shape- so that's inspiring. If I curb my drinking habits and get back to eating clean, I bet I can be in decent shape by the end of the month.

 Some important aspects that people forget are:
1- Have a regular time and place
2- Keep a journal and write down your goals
3- Have a partner if possible
4- Drink water
5- Forget bread and beer; also sugar of all kinds (reduce fruit intake)
6- Get rest
7- Enjoy movement and enjoy the process
8- Show up
9- Motivational music
10- Be where you are at. Be competitive- but                                                                                               ultimately, recognize it's about personal best.

Monday's Workout
Power Circuit, Reps: 10 of each exercise, Sets: 3
Clean and Press, Weighted Knee Raise, Weighted Stepups, Pullup, Incline Pushup, Triceps Dips

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Phase 3- November

Good morning, blogheads.

So what's new in Gabeland...you know- this and that.

Surfed Trestles yesterday. Was accompanied by about 50 amazing OC  high school surf kids...I go- is it vacation week? This kid in the water said they were all part of a surf team. How cool is that? They had a coach on the beach. I moved down the beach to Middles. They were good though- and the waves were dope. I had my new, used 6'8. It was ok...sorta want to just get a Wavestorm 9'0 from Costco. A little tired of trying to shortboard. Paddle forever just to get out there.

Phase 3 refers to the LL Cool J Platinum 360 workout...it's now moved from a split routine to a 3 day rotation...Mon is chest, tris, Tues- Legs, Wed- back...with steady state and interval training thrown in. I think it's a logical plan- but kinda crazy with rest day being Thurs. You begin the cycle again on Fri.

It's a plan. Couldn't get a partner to join me. What a shocker. I'll post the workout later. It's def volume and it's def bodybuilding.

Have a great Tuesday!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Had a crazy last few days...still managed to stick to the program.

Live cd recording Fri...hit phase 2, workout 4 before it- legs. The running has been tough.

Sat was off, though I swam in the pool casually. Been hot here. Sat night was Ojai and sitting in w my friend.

Sun I went to Vegas. Played a show there.

Mon- phase 2, week 2, day 1. Upper body. Running. Drove home from Vegas.

Today is Tues...feeling spent...but have phase two, week 2, workout 2 coming up.

It's about long term vision. Overcome the challenges now to achieve your goals. Major challenge is motivation and energy. So what do you do? Remember why you're doing this...why go to the gym? Bc you're getting into the best shape of your life- again- NOW!

So go do it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Phase 2, Day 2- Lower Body workout

Day 1 was cool. Upper body. Chest. Back. Shoulders. Arms. 30min steady cardio. Day 2 is lower body- squats, leg presses, etc. which is cool since lower body exercises work your core also. People seem to think you can spot reduce your stomach but it actually has to do with decreasing your overall body fat. The key is to keep muscle. When you build muscle, your metabolism is fired up...so that helps reduce fat overall. Day 2 is also interval training in a basic way. I've never done cardio on the same days as lifting- and never done four x a week in the gym. So should be cool. Gotta watch the diet though- and stay inspired. This is a two week phase before phase 3 and 4- which are more advanced. Phase 1 was too basic for me- using machines and steady state cardio. Seems like a decent program- tho maybe a little brief on each phase. Can always double them. The cardio should be challenging at this point.

Monday, October 19, 2015

PHASE 2, DAY 1- Platinum 360 workout

Vision. Determination. Focus. It begins today.

8 weeks from now I'm going to be in the best shape of my life.

4 two week regimens. A lot of cardio. Weights. Disciplined eating.

You can do it too.

We all have obstacles. But we can move past them. Physical is just one side of becoming your best you...Physical. Mental. Spiritual. Financial.

LL seems like a good role model. At beyond 40, he's still in great shape...and his stage name stands for Ladies Love Cool James.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Jason Statham, LL Cool J, and the Search for Fitness

What's up, Internet people?

Back atcha with another post...

I was looking through some old fitness books and magazines looking towards my next routine- and came across this picture of Statham boxing. Decided to frame it and put it in my kitchen for motivation. It was from a 2013 Men's Fitness. We're coming up on Halloween again- and realized it's been 7 years since I went as Statham in Death Race 2 to a party. Had a tinfoil mask and everything...My friend, Joe, went as a 300 gladiator. We both set that Halloween as a goal about 12 weeks out. It worked ( not that either of us were movie ready). If you, gentle reader, want to accomplish something, I humbly suggest the following:

1- don't procrastinate

2- write down that goal

3- get a journal to track your progress

4- get a partner (helps a lot)- or coach (if possible)

5- tap your motivation (why the eff are you doing this? Our goals were always health and longevity- with some beach body motivation thrown in)


7- Setting a regular time and place helps too

Statham is pretty much a force of nature...At something like 44, he's still a great role model. Been reading about LL Cool J's diet and exercise plan- another kick-ass celebrity. There's similarities in many of these programs and training philosophies. Both guys emphasize sprints and interval training in their time out of the gym; also low carb eating, and starchy carbs in
the morning mostly. Both have had long-time trainers too. (I would love that. But not gonna happen this minute.) And both guys emphasize intensity. A lot of working folks are just psyched to get to the gym in the morning and hit the treadmill, catch up on emails (no joke). Those folks are probably not reading this blog.

Here's LL in the gym- check out the ab work with a hammer...uhm difficult..

It takes intensity and focus- whether you decide to do 3x a week full body workouts and 2x a week intervals, or 5x a week split routine. (note- I've read a lot recently about irregular workouts, 2x per week, but heavy, barbell lifts. That could work for some- especially if you were part of a team, like pre-season football- but a regular schedule has always worked for me. I end up skipping otherwise)

Anyways, just some random thoughts. Be well out there..


Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2015

Holiday season approaches...It comes up fast- Halloween, Thanksgiving, XMas, New Year's...it always flies by...Seems like a lot of people gain weight around now. It gets colder. Fall is busy...

I was traveling in NY last week. Was a lot of fun- but ended up getting sick- possibly from some major temperature changes, stress, and lack of sleep. It's been good to be back in LA and get back to routine. In August, I fell out of going to the gym. I worked out from home mostly- and did a lot of bodyweight exercises. 

Currently I'm starting month 2 of a 4 month series. Each month has a different emphasis. Month 1 was really about getting back into the habit of working out regularly. Even that was hard to maintain w traveling- and then being sick. But it's been good this past week. And it's always nice to have a plan. 

Month 2 are a series of tri-sets- so hitting 5 muscle groups w 3 different exercises. 1 min rest. And emphasis on slow lifts... Month 1 had used drop sets- kind of cool. Always a burn. The 5 muscle groups for M, F are chest, back, shoulders, tri's, bi's. Wed is leg day. Tues is sprints and Thurs is cardio. Today I surfed...which I'm counting as cardio. 

But spent Rosh Hashannah w a buddy of mine who has been doing intermittent fasting (only eats 12pm-8pm) as well as interval training 3x a week. He looks thin- but stomach has definition. So started reading about IF at leangains.com and on nerdfitness.com. Leangains is supposed to be the leading light on IF but I found the site (a blog) disorganized- and never came across a clear cut protocol. The nerdfitness article I read was very straightforward and helpful. I also like the friendly tone- as opposed to leangains, which came off as condescending to me. 

So I'm trying out IF with the 12-8pm feeding window...also trying to cut way back on beef, for ethical reasons. Was impressed by a vegan friend's argument about that lion, Cecil, that was hunted by the dentist. Her stance was that cows are equally sentient. And it's true. Chicken and fish....I'm sure they feel fear- but they're much further from us. Cows are mammals. 

Behind that, I've been reading this book, Beyond Brawn- supposed to be a classic text. Recommended highly on leangains and on Amazon. It advocates big lifts and low reps- in a starting strength way a la Rippetoe. I like the approach- and how its performance based over looks. It's like pursuing weight lifting the sport. The purpose is to get strong- and stay strong for life. It has a
Lot of anecdotal advice on working out- and also on rest, the mental game, and more. For now, I want to see this program through- but that might be good in January. Found a
gym too in SoCal that specializes in it- but wary of their prices.

Beyond that- great surf session today. Surfed Venice and it looked flat- but it was close to sundown and the water was warm. Got some fun rides on the shortboard. 

Have a great week. Stay active.. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

21 Day Challenge- part 2- body-weight, gym free workout

Texts to my buddy for his 21 Day Challenge...for anyone following along. This is a great, low-impact, gym-free workout. See the last post for more details..

"Wed is leg day. Do 3 circuits of the following:
Alternating leg lunge 
Bodyweight squat 
Push ups
Rev ab crunch 
If 20 is too hard, do 10-12. Try to minimize rest between exercises and take about 1-2min between sets. 
Get 20min walk in too. "

"Yo- today do 20min walk in the am- and either 20min walk pm or 5 sprints. Sprints should be done 2-3 min apart and only last 20-30 seconds. Note- if you choose sprints, you will be sore and your metabolism will be boosted. You could also do sprints at 50-60% of full intensity. "

Monday, August 10, 2015


I have a friend who wants to get in shape.
So here's what I texted him today- and I'm jumping on this too, but prob beef up the workout a bit.

1- Morning cardio
"Walk 20 min every day this week before eating, before showering. Have water. Then walk."

2- Diet
"You cut out soda last week...This week, cut beer and reduce bread/rice/potatoes"

3- Afternoon/Before dinner workout
"At 4pm, MWF- do 3 sets of the following circuit:
20 push-ups
20 bodyweight squats
20 upright rows
30 sec plank
Take no rest between sets and 2 min rest after each circuit. 3 circuits total."

4- Journal
"Get a notebook...On the front, write 21 Day Challenge. Draw a line down the middle...left column, label Diet. Right column, label Exercise. Diet is 75% of fitness. On page 1- write Day 1.

5- Meals/Supplements
"5 meals a day. Whey protein in water once a day, either mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Fish oil. Pro-biotic. More on this later."

Today is August 10th...Where will you be on August 31st? What kind of shape?

Join us. Summer's not over.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

4 Weeks to Beachbody- Spartacus Workout, Rachel Cosgrove

Beach season is upon us. If you want to slim down, do this:
1- Change your diet. Put a time limit on it. I did 3 weeks as of June 1. Week 3 is this week and is hardcore Paleo, no sugar, bread, low carb, as well as some intermittent fasting, reduced alcohol (only tequila), no cream in coffee, emphasis on rest. Normally I eat more like in this graph, about 80% of the time Paleo- but that 20% became 40% over time. This week it's been more like 98%.

2- Change your exercise habits...Adopted a plan to shed weight, by emphasizing cardio with weights- or a circuit. In my case, it was a 2012 Men's Health poster designed by Rachel Cosgrove CSCS. It's not an easy workout at all- usually leaves me gasping for air and drenched in sweat. I coupled that with running in the morning before eating. 4x this week, I'll do Twice a Days, meaning a morning cardio session (this is sprints btw, and possibly surfing today), and in the late afternoon, the circuit workout. (There's three different ones and also some alternate rep schemes that are like games- ex "The Lunatic Ladder)

3- Attitude....You have to have an attitude that this is the beginning. In reality, this is the end of a 3 month workout scheme, based on Owen McKibben's workouts. Month/Phase 1 was establishing the habit, 2 was Muscles or Basic Hypertrophy, 3 was Strength with heavier lifts and lower rep counts, and this is Phase 4- which is essentially Fat Loss. But you never really reach a pinnacle. Looking at some photos of myself in 2013, I was in great shape in June 2013. I was lean but muscular, and surfing a lot. There was definition emerging in my stomach...It's hard to maintain, especially not being officially in the fitness industry, or a model, or an actor. Without a real reason to enforce such discipline on yourself, it becomes hard to maintain. Additionally, stress is just a killer to staying in shape. Sleeping badly, you crave carbs. Sell your car and get a bike- you crave carbs...Or just wanting to have some beers. It's tough to deny how awesome Coronas are on a hot day, or nachos. You just have to do things in sprints and really make a dash for your arbitrary goal line. Mine has been my birthday annually- with the goal of staying in shape for life. But the point is, so I'm coming to the end of this period. Then what? You need to have another plan after this one...That's what being fit for life is about.

4- Be kind to yourself... Similar to #3, you have
to take yourself where you're at. Don't force things. Change takes a while. Yes, be disciplined. But also accept that you're out of shape and need to maybe lighten the rep scheme or skip a circuit if your back feels shakey. Just commend yourself for getting back out there. It's easier not to do anything than something. Of course, it's a slippery slope, but my point, don't beat yourself up if you have to skip deadlifts or use light weights. Most of the time you'll start with light weights, or start by just walking, and end up heavier or running. Just show up. As Tony Horton says, "Do your best and forget the rest."

Monday, February 16, 2015

Post-V Day- Phase 2 Begins

Been trying to stick to this...Had a couple late nights though that ended in pizza or burritos. Not good. Diet is 85%. Not that this should be a confessional, but its purpose is to motivate me- and maybe someone else. So gotta work harder. Think stress affects sleep and sleep affects brain chemistry. Often if I sleep poorly, I'll crave sugar. Think coffee may be a bad habit too. Definitely been drinking more coffee.On the plus side, went into Wildcard Boxing on Thursday and paid $25 to train with a guy for a half hour. Was really cool and fun to hit some mitts again. We worked on the hook as well as basic jab and cross.

Starting Phase 2 of Mario even though I'm not quite ready. Phase 2 seems to boost everything up- so now you're doing two exercises in a superset with some cardio right after in a circuit. My plan is to finish this by March 15th (4 weeks), and then restart it for another 6weeks. Lastly, the NASM materials came over the weekend.

They came in the coolest packaging-a stealthy black box with ventilation areas- as if it was some dangerous beast. Inside was the book and a bag as well as a T shirt. Very cool. Read the first chapter about the history of personal training. Interesting stuff- and some very cool dedications in the book like the NASM mission statement- "NASM's mission is to empower individuals to live a healthy life." How cool is that? Or "I applaud you on your dedication and commitment to helping others live healthier lives and thank you for entrusting the NASM with your education." Awesome.

Have a great week!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fit Expo 2015 and NASM CPT cert

Went to the Fit Expo down at the LA Convention Center. I didn't know what to expect, but wanted to sign up with NASM for their personal training certification for 30% off. Gotta say- NASM was about the only thing cool with the convention. The rest were like stands selling protein bars and supplements, gym clothes, shakes, and other stuff. Reminded me a bit of like a monster truck rally or the WWF events I went to as a kid. There were a lot of muscle-y guys and scantily clad girls, and a lot of metal playing. Then there were random feats of strength- pavillions set up with guys doing max amounts of pull ups or heavy lifts. I did see Jack LaLanne's son and wife (who's 90) demonstrating a juicer and a lot of folks with excellent posture. But overall, besides signing up for the online course, not much to speak of. I will say, for a fitness expo, they offered some seriously unhealthy food choices- greasy foods like fries and typical stadium stuff. It was interesting to see how many people were eating that stuff. Anyway- I have 180 days to take the test and get AED/CPR training or I'm out $500 (reduced from $700 bc of the Fit Expo). Hopefully, this will give me a knowledge base I don't currently have, particularly about mainstream views of health and nutrition and programming; also motivate me to stay in shape, and give me some credibility. Not to mention, I might actually make money training people.

Cheers, gentle reader. Tomorrow's week 2 of phase 1 of Lopez's Knockout Fitness. It's mostly circuits of supersets. Solid program with good emphasis on clean eating. And apparently Lopez is into boxing and trained with Freddie Roach, which is cool, since I've been wanting to try his gym, Wildcard Boxing. Last week was a good intro to the program, but too sporadic with traveling. I can understand why people would scoff at exercise books like this, thinking it's more bodybuilding stuff rather than functional programming. But I disagree, at it's core, this program offers a sensible approach to diet and exercise and encourages having fun and trying new sports- including boxing, cycling, basketball, running, and even dance. So we shall see..Got this coming up too!

Have a great week!

Friday, January 30, 2015

10 Minute Workout

Boom. Picked up Mario Lopez's Knockout Fitness for a flight back to Boston. It's a Men's Health publication and Lopez co-authored it with a very experienced trainer, Joe Dowdell. Some great ideas and plans in that book. Here's a ten minute workout I just did.

From back in the day:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Last Week of January 2015

The end of the first month of 2015 is approaching. Six days left. What can you accomplish? How did you stack up against your goals? The majority of people forget their New Year's Resolutions by March. How do you keep going?? Here's the answer...You set a larger goal- and if you do fall off, and you have that McDonald's or those beers, or even a bottle of wine, you get back on....

Tomorrow is Monday. What will you do this week to position yourself in February where you want to be? What if January was just a reintegration month? Like that scene in the Abyss when Ed Harris learns to breathe water, there's a re-acclimation process.

So this is what I want for myself this week:

1- Stricter Paleo. Let's tighten up that belt towards an end of February goal of fitting back into the suit I bought last June.

2- Three workouts with weights...Schedule them! Keep a journal!

3- One day sprints and one day of an activity I enjoy (surfing or boxing)....

But what is the larger goal?

The larger goal is to get into the best shape of my life by my birthday in June. I'll have to think of a way to quantify that...But I'm thinking of performance-oriented goals like 50 pushups, 10 pullups, 6:30 min mile.

Set achievable goals. Keep a progress journal. Find compatriots. Succeed. Set new goals. Be fit for life.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Best Shape of Your Life in 2015 and Kelly Slater

Still taking on the 21 Day Mark Sisson Challenge. Their app was a no-go for me. Didn't work out- so I've been pretty much on my own. Been doing well overall. But my question is-

Kelly Slater is in awesome shape. He's 42 and he's still killing it. When I saw him surf in August in Malibu, it was crazy how good he was, just cutting up and down, owning waves, putting everyone to shame in the water. He did a 720 degree aerial in Portugal last year. He competes against guys half his age. So what's HIS secret? The new Outside magazine addresses Kelly's continuing relevance in surfing and great health. Also, there's the book, For the Love, by Kelly with Phil Jarratt.

According to the article and the book, he has a few healthy habits-

1- He swears off milk and makes his own almond milk.

2- He eats healthy fats. He mentions if he could (and sometimes he does), he'd eat Guacemole and chips all day.

3- He's experimented with CrossFit and some other stuff (yoga) ,but overall, most workouts are water workouts.

4- He's down with hot baths and massages, and spends a fair amount of time relaxing, listening to music, playing music, and trying to maintain balance in his life.

5- He's eating a largely protein based diet, though the article mentions some stuff like chia seeds and goji berries in granola for breakfast.

From the article:
"The one thing that stands out in his otherwise low-key program is his yogi-style diet. Most days his breakfast is a homemade pudding made of chia seeds, raw nuts, goji berries, and yogurt. At home he makes his own almond milk in a blender, straining it through cheesecloth. He frequently drinks a concentrated dose of omega-3 fatty acids from marine algae. Over the past couple of years, he’s cut out almost all caffeine. When he’s traveling for surf contests, his “very big suitcase” is packed “half with clothes and half with food.”

Pretty amazing guy...and a good role model.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

21 Day Primal Challenge

It's a new year and you want to shape up, you say. Let's say you've put on some weight over the holidays. Not uncommon. Hit the gym harder? Eat less? Exercise more? That would be the standard advice. For years I did the same thing. I got stronger in the gym, but typically my weight was the same...until 2011, when my friend, Joe Bagg, introduced me to the Paleo Diet. He had done a nutritional certification with Robb Wolf, author of the Paleo Solution, through Crossfit. I had tried vegetarianism for mostly ethical reasons but it hadn't worked for me. I felt better about not eating animals, but had digestion issues with the emphasis on beans and tofu products. A few months later, I did Robb Wolf's 30 day challenge and it worked out well. By February of 2012, I was lean and my body had adjusted to burning fat over glucose. Joe was an important part of helping me stick to it and giving me some pointers (ex. Make sure you're eating enough fats- like avocados and olive oil). You can check out Joe's story here. I made this short documentary, Paleo Jazz, about him in 2013 (shot on 16mm b/w).

This January I'm starting Mark Sisson's 21 Day Primal Challenge. Sisson is the author of the Primal Blueprint and has started this challenge as a way to inspire others and connect those isolated Paleo folks with others around the world like them. The guidelines are simple. I've taken the basics Sisson's site, www.marksdailyapple.com:

If you're interested in joining me, drop a comment or email me at gabe.rosenn@gmail.com. I firmly believe that the Paleo or Primal diet is the key to health and longevity. I've also begun the Spartacus 3 workout...Spartacus 1 was a great fat-burning circuit, based on the workout that actors from the show used. Reprinted here from Men's Health:

Hope to hear from some of you.

Good luck out there! Happy 2015!