Tuesday, January 13, 2015

21 Day Primal Challenge

It's a new year and you want to shape up, you say. Let's say you've put on some weight over the holidays. Not uncommon. Hit the gym harder? Eat less? Exercise more? That would be the standard advice. For years I did the same thing. I got stronger in the gym, but typically my weight was the same...until 2011, when my friend, Joe Bagg, introduced me to the Paleo Diet. He had done a nutritional certification with Robb Wolf, author of the Paleo Solution, through Crossfit. I had tried vegetarianism for mostly ethical reasons but it hadn't worked for me. I felt better about not eating animals, but had digestion issues with the emphasis on beans and tofu products. A few months later, I did Robb Wolf's 30 day challenge and it worked out well. By February of 2012, I was lean and my body had adjusted to burning fat over glucose. Joe was an important part of helping me stick to it and giving me some pointers (ex. Make sure you're eating enough fats- like avocados and olive oil). You can check out Joe's story here. I made this short documentary, Paleo Jazz, about him in 2013 (shot on 16mm b/w).

This January I'm starting Mark Sisson's 21 Day Primal Challenge. Sisson is the author of the Primal Blueprint and has started this challenge as a way to inspire others and connect those isolated Paleo folks with others around the world like them. The guidelines are simple. I've taken the basics Sisson's site, www.marksdailyapple.com:

If you're interested in joining me, drop a comment or email me at gabe.rosenn@gmail.com. I firmly believe that the Paleo or Primal diet is the key to health and longevity. I've also begun the Spartacus 3 workout...Spartacus 1 was a great fat-burning circuit, based on the workout that actors from the show used. Reprinted here from Men's Health:

Hope to hear from some of you.

Good luck out there! Happy 2015!

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