Thursday, December 3, 2015

Month 2- DC workout, MH

Feeling spent after traveling back East for Thanksgiving. Flew into NY, had a couple late nights there, then drove to Western Mass for Turkey day- caught up with a bunch of relatives there, then back to Dover, and to Boston for my reunion (was very fun!), and then another brunch (other relatives), and a bday dinner with my sister. I know, you're saying- Gabe- How do you do it?? I do what I can, gentle reader.

On the fitness side (the subject of this blog)- definitely loosened up the diet in NY- a few slices of pizza- was pretty good on no beer... Had a bagel at a brunch in Mass...So overall was pretty good. Got to the gym last Wed in NY, and skipped Fri in Mass. Monday 11/30 was a travel day, so missed it there too. But got back on Tues and did Chest and Back and Wed did a bodyweight version of Legs at home.

What's the takeaway?
1- Doing something is always better than doing nothing...

2- If you fall off, accept it, and get back on....

3- There's a rebound effect- if you go too hard, you may fall off after the goal's been met.

Regarding #3 above, I've seen this a bunch of times. If I deny myself too much, I will fall off harder...It's just something to be aware of.

Interviewed my friend, Angela, yesterday who's interested in training with me. Asked her a few questions..

1- What do you want to accomplish in how much time?
2- How important to you is it? Why do you want to do it?
3- What's your diet like? What did you have for bkst, lunch, and dinner yesterday?
4-How much beer do you drink? Alcohol?
5- Sports background?

I said let's get started with walking daily- 20 min walk. And ditch beer, sugar, reduce carbs after 2 pm. Next week we'll add bodyweight lifts- like squats, push up, and back. That's called an Intro phase. The truth is it's about diet more than exercise- though muscles do fuel metabolism. They're also expensive in terms of protein content.

So today is Thursday, Dec 3, 2015- and there's 3 weeks until Xmas. Most people's diets fall apart totally in this period. Holiday parties, colder weather, and social pressure have people eating more sugary foods- pies, cakes, pastries. But if you're able to tighten up right now and then loosen a tiny bit, that's what's up. Recommit to the DC program. 8 weeks is a good amount of time. Going strong with this until the end of the year. I have a sprained ankle still, so that's a challenge. But when you're injured, that's the time to focus on what you are able to do.

Keep going out there...Stay strong. Find your motivation. And most of all- show up.


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