Friday, February 22, 2013

Episode 10- Save Ferris; Nah, Save Yourself First

How can we stay young forever? It's a fact that most Americans that adopt a diet/exercise program after Jan 1st abandon it by March 15th...Most have the modest goals of staying slim like they were in high school and college. In honor of these decent folks, average joes, Gabe and Joe have dedicated their entry into double digit podcasts to answering the one question folks desperately want answered- namely Why DO we get fat, and what can we do about it? Or more succinctly- how can I look like Sloane Peterson? (or date someone that does)

For full text of the article, Why the Campaign to Stop America's Obesity Crisis Keeps Failing, by Gary Taubes-

"So what should we eat? The latest clinical trials suggest that all of us would benefit from fewer (if any) sugars and fewer refined grains (bread, pasta) and starchy vegetables (potatoes). This was the conventional wisdom through the mid-1960s, and then we turned the grains and starches into heart-healthy diet foods and the USDA enshrined them in the base of its famous Food Guide Pyramid as the staples of our diet. That this shift coincides with the obesity epidemic is probably not a coincidence. As for those of us who are overweight, experimental trials, the gold standard of medical evidence, suggest that diets that are severely restricted in fattening carbohydrates and rich in animal products—meat, eggs, cheese—and green leafy vegetables are arguably the best approach, if not the healthiest diet to eat. Not only does weight go down when people eat like this, but heart disease and diabetes risk factors are reduced. Ethical arguments against meat-eating are always valid; health arguments against it can no longer be defended."

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