Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Phase 2, Day 2- Lower Body workout

Day 1 was cool. Upper body. Chest. Back. Shoulders. Arms. 30min steady cardio. Day 2 is lower body- squats, leg presses, etc. which is cool since lower body exercises work your core also. People seem to think you can spot reduce your stomach but it actually has to do with decreasing your overall body fat. The key is to keep muscle. When you build muscle, your metabolism is fired up...so that helps reduce fat overall. Day 2 is also interval training in a basic way. I've never done cardio on the same days as lifting- and never done four x a week in the gym. So should be cool. Gotta watch the diet though- and stay inspired. This is a two week phase before phase 3 and 4- which are more advanced. Phase 1 was too basic for me- using machines and steady state cardio. Seems like a decent program- tho maybe a little brief on each phase. Can always double them. The cardio should be challenging at this point.

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