Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Best Shape Ever

I was just reading an interview with Simon Waterson, the trainer for Daniel Craig. Nothing too amazing discussed. Cross fit style workouts based around script requirements. Plyo moves worked into heavier conpoubd lifts. High protein diet. No carbs after 2pm. A pre- production training period- during production- and post. Treating clients as athletes first and thinking of aesthetics second.

Just saw the new Bond film and have to say, the main things I noticed were Craig's shoulders and his gait. He looks lean and muscular but ready to pounce. He also looks like he could do some serious pull-ups, dips, sprinting, and fighting. The Men's Health workout plan is circuit based on MF, but bodybuilding based on TWR....Interesting. Wonder if it's just a mix of things. You read different accounts- that he worked out two hours a day after shooting, that he took supplements, etc.


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