Wednesday, June 24, 2015

4 Weeks to Beachbody- Spartacus Workout, Rachel Cosgrove

Beach season is upon us. If you want to slim down, do this:
1- Change your diet. Put a time limit on it. I did 3 weeks as of June 1. Week 3 is this week and is hardcore Paleo, no sugar, bread, low carb, as well as some intermittent fasting, reduced alcohol (only tequila), no cream in coffee, emphasis on rest. Normally I eat more like in this graph, about 80% of the time Paleo- but that 20% became 40% over time. This week it's been more like 98%.

2- Change your exercise habits...Adopted a plan to shed weight, by emphasizing cardio with weights- or a circuit. In my case, it was a 2012 Men's Health poster designed by Rachel Cosgrove CSCS. It's not an easy workout at all- usually leaves me gasping for air and drenched in sweat. I coupled that with running in the morning before eating. 4x this week, I'll do Twice a Days, meaning a morning cardio session (this is sprints btw, and possibly surfing today), and in the late afternoon, the circuit workout. (There's three different ones and also some alternate rep schemes that are like games- ex "The Lunatic Ladder)

3- Attitude....You have to have an attitude that this is the beginning. In reality, this is the end of a 3 month workout scheme, based on Owen McKibben's workouts. Month/Phase 1 was establishing the habit, 2 was Muscles or Basic Hypertrophy, 3 was Strength with heavier lifts and lower rep counts, and this is Phase 4- which is essentially Fat Loss. But you never really reach a pinnacle. Looking at some photos of myself in 2013, I was in great shape in June 2013. I was lean but muscular, and surfing a lot. There was definition emerging in my stomach...It's hard to maintain, especially not being officially in the fitness industry, or a model, or an actor. Without a real reason to enforce such discipline on yourself, it becomes hard to maintain. Additionally, stress is just a killer to staying in shape. Sleeping badly, you crave carbs. Sell your car and get a bike- you crave carbs...Or just wanting to have some beers. It's tough to deny how awesome Coronas are on a hot day, or nachos. You just have to do things in sprints and really make a dash for your arbitrary goal line. Mine has been my birthday annually- with the goal of staying in shape for life. But the point is, so I'm coming to the end of this period. Then what? You need to have another plan after this one...That's what being fit for life is about.

4- Be kind to yourself... Similar to #3, you have
to take yourself where you're at. Don't force things. Change takes a while. Yes, be disciplined. But also accept that you're out of shape and need to maybe lighten the rep scheme or skip a circuit if your back feels shakey. Just commend yourself for getting back out there. It's easier not to do anything than something. Of course, it's a slippery slope, but my point, don't beat yourself up if you have to skip deadlifts or use light weights. Most of the time you'll start with light weights, or start by just walking, and end up heavier or running. Just show up. As Tony Horton says, "Do your best and forget the rest."