Tuesday, August 5, 2014

MMA update- August

So it's been about a month of Intro MMA at Robot Fight and Fitness twice a week with a couple Crossfit style strength sessions thrown in and some surfing. I have to say- I'm feeling in pretty decent shape. I'm back on Paleo for the most part but have been eating more carbs- specifically rice, with sushi and with Mexican food. Corn chips and beer also sometimes make an appearance- but I have to say, overall, I'm doing pretty well with the course.

While the first four weeks focused on the basics of Muay Thai: punches, combos, blocks, and kicks- as well as overall conditioning; now the training has turned towards Braziian jiu jitsu- specifically take-downs. The conditioning is still a factor and I notice my abs are stronger and I have lost some size in my shoulders and arms. Legs are feeling strong and we've been doing ample jump squats and squats which I think has helped my pop-up in surfing.

I've lost touch with Joe for the most part- who's busy with teaching and gigging and doing Crossfit. Sounds like he's had some brutal workouts. I'd recommend Robot Fight and Fitness in West LA. Good people, facilities, and the Intro package is only $75 per month, which is a lot less than Krav Maga was.

Beyond MMA:
Drink water. Watch your posture. Smile. Get enough sleep. Breathe deeply. Spend time with friends. De-stress. Make money. Cultivate health.


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