Monday, March 17, 2014

Drink Lots of Water

Sounds obvious, right...It's ridiculous how little most people drink. Many people want to lose weight or get in shape but miss the connection between drinking water and being fit.

Here's the connection as I see it:

1- 90% of hunger is actually dehydration. Having water satiates your appetite.

2- Water feeds the fascia in your muscles allowing them to operate smoothly.

3- According to trainer, Owen McKibbin, the more water you drink, the less your skin retains underneath. If your body is retaining water, it's because it needs it. If you have an abundance of water in your system, more is flushed out.

4- You function better, feel more awake with water. I actually find sometimes a cold water wakes me up more than coffee.

The FDA recommends 8 glasses a day...That's basically a glass every two hours. What if you try doubling it?



  1. Gee whiz! I just listened to episode 20 and I want you to know that I listen to your podcasts and enjoy them a lot. So there! And its not just because I'm Joe's mom either.

  2. Thanks for commenting, Leslie. Glad someone out there is listening!!
