Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Journal blog- Two week mini-countdown

Finished a Big 55 workout today (see last entry)...sort of. That is one tough workout. Doing 10 (overhand grip) pull-ups, a bunch of other stuff, then 9 pull-ups, a bunch of other stuff, 8 pull-ups, down to one is near impossible for me right now. When I was on 9, I did 8...On 8, I did 5...And by 5, I did 3....Pull-ups are difficult for anyone, but especially followed by the other stuff- which I modified to dips, (diamond close-grip) push-ups, squat (with plate), and knees to elbows (later, roman chair)...I took 3 min rests after each circuit but tried to remember some of Statham and De Vany's words of wisdom regarding making your work-out an event and really trying to work out with intensity...Tough though, also when you have other people around, who are like- what is wrong with this guy/ why is he working out so hard? One guy asked me if I was doing a CrossFit workout...Not exactly. Then he asked whether it was for muscle-building or fat burning- and I said, basically both...

Pull-ups are an amazing exercise for leaning out and building muscle- but they are taxing...As far as cutting calories, I'm off to a bad start this week, having had a coffee milkshake (basically ice cream) after working out and an 8oz steak, and spinach paneer for dinner tonight...But here's the thing, all ye faithful readers, if I can just cut out alcohol for two weeks, none of that matters. Apparently calories do matter if you're trying to lose body fat, but more it's sugars and carbohydrates that make us fat (both are present in most alcohol, as is the pot'l for a late night Taco truck visit) I've been rereading Gary Taubes' Why We Get Fat...such a great book. Probably time to come up with another external motivator besides this blog to rationalize all this effort...Short action film spoof maybe? Comments welcome.

That's all for now. Let's do this...Jump in with me.


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