Monday, February 16, 2015

Post-V Day- Phase 2 Begins

Been trying to stick to this...Had a couple late nights though that ended in pizza or burritos. Not good. Diet is 85%. Not that this should be a confessional, but its purpose is to motivate me- and maybe someone else. So gotta work harder. Think stress affects sleep and sleep affects brain chemistry. Often if I sleep poorly, I'll crave sugar. Think coffee may be a bad habit too. Definitely been drinking more coffee.On the plus side, went into Wildcard Boxing on Thursday and paid $25 to train with a guy for a half hour. Was really cool and fun to hit some mitts again. We worked on the hook as well as basic jab and cross.

Starting Phase 2 of Mario even though I'm not quite ready. Phase 2 seems to boost everything up- so now you're doing two exercises in a superset with some cardio right after in a circuit. My plan is to finish this by March 15th (4 weeks), and then restart it for another 6weeks. Lastly, the NASM materials came over the weekend.

They came in the coolest packaging-a stealthy black box with ventilation areas- as if it was some dangerous beast. Inside was the book and a bag as well as a T shirt. Very cool. Read the first chapter about the history of personal training. Interesting stuff- and some very cool dedications in the book like the NASM mission statement- "NASM's mission is to empower individuals to live a healthy life." How cool is that? Or "I applaud you on your dedication and commitment to helping others live healthier lives and thank you for entrusting the NASM with your education." Awesome.

Have a great week!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fit Expo 2015 and NASM CPT cert

Went to the Fit Expo down at the LA Convention Center. I didn't know what to expect, but wanted to sign up with NASM for their personal training certification for 30% off. Gotta say- NASM was about the only thing cool with the convention. The rest were like stands selling protein bars and supplements, gym clothes, shakes, and other stuff. Reminded me a bit of like a monster truck rally or the WWF events I went to as a kid. There were a lot of muscle-y guys and scantily clad girls, and a lot of metal playing. Then there were random feats of strength- pavillions set up with guys doing max amounts of pull ups or heavy lifts. I did see Jack LaLanne's son and wife (who's 90) demonstrating a juicer and a lot of folks with excellent posture. But overall, besides signing up for the online course, not much to speak of. I will say, for a fitness expo, they offered some seriously unhealthy food choices- greasy foods like fries and typical stadium stuff. It was interesting to see how many people were eating that stuff. Anyway- I have 180 days to take the test and get AED/CPR training or I'm out $500 (reduced from $700 bc of the Fit Expo). Hopefully, this will give me a knowledge base I don't currently have, particularly about mainstream views of health and nutrition and programming; also motivate me to stay in shape, and give me some credibility. Not to mention, I might actually make money training people.

Cheers, gentle reader. Tomorrow's week 2 of phase 1 of Lopez's Knockout Fitness. It's mostly circuits of supersets. Solid program with good emphasis on clean eating. And apparently Lopez is into boxing and trained with Freddie Roach, which is cool, since I've been wanting to try his gym, Wildcard Boxing. Last week was a good intro to the program, but too sporadic with traveling. I can understand why people would scoff at exercise books like this, thinking it's more bodybuilding stuff rather than functional programming. But I disagree, at it's core, this program offers a sensible approach to diet and exercise and encourages having fun and trying new sports- including boxing, cycling, basketball, running, and even dance. So we shall see..Got this coming up too!

Have a great week!