Sunday, March 31, 2013

Episode 13- Hangin' W/Gabe and Joe

It's a pre-Passover hang with Gabe and Joe...first at the gym, doing some Feruggia style workouts and observing some unorthodox lifting technique; then over at Sprouts shopping for groceries, before reviewing Paleo For Lifters, the new e-book by the folks at 70's Music by Los Devastrados.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Episode 12- Springing Forward..

"Live" from South Pasadena, G & J rap about their new fitness measurements, courtesy of Sarah Dephouse of Fit-Fax ( and about the continued controversy surrounding Robb Wolf's carb developments. Featuring the new single, If The River Was Whiskey, by the GRB...Tune in!!!!

For more on Fit-Fax-

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Episode 11- The Skinny on Fat Loss

Live from Echo Park, Gabe and Joe delve into the world of the Fat Loss gurus, evaluating some various theories, the intersection of sleep and stress, and chart their next steps.. Featuring Third Stone From the Sun, by the GRB, from Molly Malone's, 2/28.

Great article on Paleo:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Ten Ideas for Achieving Optimum Health

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”
― Bruce Lee

1- Be in it to win it

Get obsessed and stay obsessed. Exercise and diet is a habit. Get into your health for the long haul.

2- Drink a lot of water
Water is important for muscles to operate properly. Also it's good for your skin, hair, and various systems in your body.

3- Eat clean
What you put in your body affects its performance. Shop the periphery of the supermarket or go to a Farmer's Market.

4- Alcohol will derail you
Alcohol is fun to drink, but it's calories, it's dehydrating, it messes with your sleep, and most times, you'll end up eating late night after a night drinking.

5- Sleep is important
Sleep is integral to proper functioning. Rest is the hidden component of wellness.

6- Stress affects sleep, food cravings, and mood

Yup, we knew this...but good to reiterate. Screw stress.

7- Community is important
Find people who want to understand you and not derail you.

8- Positive attitude is important
Have a positive attitude and a competitive one. Accept that changes take time and old habits are hard to shake.

9- Financial health is important (see #6)
Buying grass fed meat, eating naturally, having a gym membership, a car to get to the gym...all of it costs money. If you're spending more than you have coming in, things can get stressful pretty quick. Also debt sucks.

10- Posture matters
Look taller. Feel stronger. Big changes start with little actions.